A message from ACVP Program Chair Kristina Meichner, DVM Dip ECVIM-CA (oncology), DACVP
We are excited to announce the preliminary program for this year’s ACVP/ASVCP Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington.
We will kick off on Saturday with a selection of informative pre-meeting workshops to choose from. Sunday morning’s Plenary Session on Liquid Biopsy will give insights into current research in this field in the veterinary world, how liquid biopsy is currently used in human oncology, and how real patient tissue (biopsy) grown under cell culture conditions (liquid), also known as “organoids,” can advance preclinical drug testing, cancer immunology research, and even species conservation. And we’re happy to note, we will have another Cyto-Histo correlate session (bone marrow!) at this year’s meeting, which was so popular at the 2022 meeting that the Annual Meeting Committee decided to bring it back regularly.
Additional topics to be covered at the 2024 meeting will include forensic pathology; clostridial diseases; pathology of spiders, cockroaches, and company (invertebrate pathology); toxicologic pathology (a-day-in-life-in-industry); cutting-edge research presented during diagnostic pathology, experimental disease, industrial and toxicologic pathology, and natural disease Focused Scientific Sessions; a Mystery Slide Session on GI Pathology; and the ever-popular Neuropathology Mystery Slide Session. Also, we will have the latest research on an important emerging infectious disease, sessions on career, DEI, and leadership in pathology, veterinary student sessions, plenty of opportunities for networking with colleagues and industry during social events, exhibits, and alumni receptions, and the opportunity to start your day with wellness (yoga). The meeting will culminate in the ACVP Awards and Recognition Event, followed by the President’s Reception.
We are looking forward to seeing you in November in Seattle!